Build Generational Wealth With Your Own Bank!
Discover the Ultimate "Life Hack" for Taking Control of Your Financial Destiny
Discover the Ultimate "Life Hack"
for Taking Control of
Your Financial Destiny

Ready to Get Started?

For over 200 years the wealthy elite have used a simple, but little known financial strategy for building, maintaining and expanding their financial power through a technique called...
Infinite Banking.
You've probably never heard of Infinite Banking, but you'll grasp the concept quickly once you understand how it works. Think of your money as a tool that you have to constantly put into motion in order to benefit most from it. You already do this every day as you make bank deposits and then pay your bills, buy things you want, make a house payment and lot’s of other things. You put the money in motion and you exchange it for things you want or need.

Let's call this your money cycle — money in and money out.

Nearly everybody is cycling money the same way, from a bank account out to creditors, other lenders, retailers, etc etc. And nearly everybody is making payments of interest on all their major purchases. So, they’re bringing money in and then sending it back out to pay for things.

Let's call this your money cycle — money in and money out.

Nearly everybody is cycling money the same way, from a bank account out to creditors, other lenders, retailers, etc etc. And nearly everybody is making payments of interest on all their major purchases. So, they’re bringing money in and then sending it back out to pay for things.

But the 1% do something different.

They cycle money internally.

They've set things up so that they pay cash for the things they want by borrowing from themselves, then paying themselves back with interest. And they do it with a financial structure that pays them additional interest on their own money, even when they’re cycling it out to buy things. So, they don't pay interest to banks and other creditors. They pay it to themselves.

Pretty amazing, right?

But that's not what you’ve been taught...

But the 1% do something different.

They cycle money internally.

They've set things up so that they pay cash for the things they want by borrowing from themselves, then paying themselves back with interest. And they do it with a financial structure that pays them additional interest on their own money, even when they’re cycling it out to buy things. So, they don't pay interest to banks and other creditors. They pay it to themselves.

Pretty amazing, right?

But that's not what you’ve been taught...

You were probably taught that the way to prosperity and financial freedom was through saving as much of the money you earn as possible over time.

You've been taught to put money in the bank, to invest in mutual funds and 401k plans and to be frugal so you can have enough to live on in retirement. Tens of millions of people are doing those things right now. Maybe you’re one of them.

But if those strategies really work...

Then why do only 16% of Americans have at least $200,000 set aside for retirement, while 22% have less than $5,000 saved, according to the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company's Annual Planning & Progress Study?

Ready to Get Started?

The answer is simpler than you might think...

You've been taught to "put your money to work" by putting it in the 
bank and earning interest. You've been taught that your savings will 
grow through "compound interest".

But have you ever asked yourself what the bank does with all that money that you faithfully deposit into your account each month?

If they can afford to pay you 3 or 4 percent, they must be doing 
something that earns them a higher return than that, right?

You Better Believe They Are!

The bank is leveraging your money (and everyone else's) to lend it to others for a profit.

But not only that, they're double-leveraging your money, because for every dollar you deposit, the bank can lend fifteen to twenty dollars at three times the interest rate they’re paying you!

Suppose you put $5,000 into your bank savings account at 4% interest. In a year, if you leave all the money in the bank, you'd have $5,200. In five years, as the interest compounds, you'd have $6,083 and after 10 years you'd have $7,400.

Ok not bad, but how did the bank do using your $5,000?

That bank leveraged your $5,000 into $75,000 and lent it at 9%.
In ten years the bank made $177,552.


And what did the bank pay you for the privilege of using your money to make $177,552?


Wow, it's pretty good to be the bank isn’t it!

If you're ready to be your own bank and start building generational wealth like the "1%" do, just click on to learn how below.

Learn more about the benefits of 
“Being The Bank” in this 
free video presentation:

The good news is that you, too, can have your own bank!
There are two ways to set up your own bank...



Getting a Charter

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

So, Strategy #1 is going to take a lot of time and money. If you've got that kind of money it could be a great business to own. But, if you're like the vast majority of people, Strategy #1 really isn’t feasible. But there's good news...


Infinite Banking

When you use the Infinite Banking strategy, you won’t need:

That sounds an awful lot easier and less expensive,



Getting a Charter

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

So, Strategy #1 is going to take a lot of time and money. If you've got that kind of money it could be a great business to own. But, if you're like the vast majority of people, Strategy #1 really isn’t feasible. But there's good news...


Infinite Banking

When you use the Infinite Banking strategy, you won’t need:

That sounds an awful lot easier and less expensive,


Ready to Get Started?


...having the power and freedom to borrow from yourself and repay yourself for everything from houses and cars to vacations and investments...


...the peace of mind from knowing that you are building generational wealth for your retirement, your family, the causes you support


...the power of going to yourself for a loan, instead of going with hat in hand and begging the bank to lend you money

Despite all the great wealth-building benefits...

Infinite Banking
is not for everyone
You'll need at least a few hundred dollars to get started (we suggest $5,000); you’ll need to be able to continue funding your bank each year to maximize its wealth-building value; and you’ll need the discipline and commitment to pay yourself back, with interest, when you borrow from your Infinite Bank.
Infinite Banking
is not a get rich quick scheme...
You'll need to have patience. The most successful Infinite Bankers fund their bank consistently, but begin very quickly (within a few months) to use their initial funds to borrow from themselves so they can stop paying interest to banks, credit card companies, auto financiers and other creditors and start paying it to themselves.
Infinite Banking
is not replace your other investments...
Infinite Banking is a strategy to grow wealth by using your own money to pay for things you want and need in life, paying yourself back, funding your bank annually and growing your nest egg, but it's still wise to invest in things like stocks, bonds and real estate . . .using the money from your own bank whenever possible!

Infinite Banking
is not for everyone
You'll need at least a few hundred dollars to get started (we suggest $5,000); you’ll need to be able to continue funding your bank each year to maximize its wealth-building value; and you’ll need the discipline and commitment to pay yourself back, with interest, when you borrow from your Infinite Bank.
Infinite Banking
is not a get rich quick scheme...
You'll need to have patience. The most successful Infinite Bankers fund their bank consistently, but begin very quickly (within a few months) to use their initial funds to borrow from themselves so they can stop paying interest to banks, credit card companies, auto financiers and other creditors and start paying it to themselves.
Infinite Banking
is not replace your other investments...
Infinite Banking is a strategy to grow wealth by using your own money to pay for things you want and need in life, paying yourself back, funding your bank annually and growing your nest egg, but it's still wise to invest in things like stocks, bonds and real estate . . .using the money from your own bank whenever possible!

The secret to understanding Infinite Banking is the time value of money...

Is money worth more tomorrow than it is today?

Most people think it is. Most people think that saving money with interest means the value of their dollars increases over time. The truth is that the amount of money increases, but the value of that money actually decreases!

The secret to understanding Infinite Banking is the time value of money...

Is money worth more tomorrow than it is today?

Most people think it is. Most people think that saving money with interest means the value of their dollars increases over time. The truth is that the amount of money increases, but the value of that money actually decreases!

We'd love to help you determine whether
Infinite Banking is right for you.
Start by watching Infinite Banking Explained below

Ready to Get Started?

John Humphrey

John has been a skilled entrepreneur since 1999, where he transitioned the high paying world of Pharma consulting with industry giant IMS Health, and left New York with his sights on bigger things out West in San Diego, CA.

His first company Effortless Living Institute, focused on Life Hacking and Business Hacking for individuals to empower them to live their most extraordinary life. And since then he has owned a franchise promotion company, FreshcoJohn, business coaching and sales consulting, JR Humphrey Consulting, short term vacation rental business, Lux Stay & Play Properties, and is developing a passion project, 1UP Golf, a golf entertainment facility in Buckeye, AZ.

He has a keen sense of market timing and direction, and his big gift has been his ability to hack complex situations down to basic ABCs. His mantra has always been, keep it simple and always play the long game. Success is not overnight, it’s not a sprint, but a marathon.

He is a best selling author of multiple books, and has spoken to thousands both locally here in the United States, and abroad on stages in Ireland, Australia, and Canada.

Now, along with his wife Michelle, he brings his latest hack, The Prosperity Accelerator, which teaches and provides a system to individuals on how to receive all their monies back on everything they spend each year, without working any harder, changing any spending habits, or giving up any of their favorite things. Truly the ultimate money and life hack.

In his spare time, John enjoys golf, fine dining, amazing wine, travel, pickleball, friends, family, and laughter. And how can he leave it out his awesome son, John Robert, and two mini dachshunds, Oreo Jack and Brownie Bites.

Michelle Humphrey

For the last 21 years Michelle's expertise is shifting her business clients mindsets and bottom lines out of lack and limitation into abundance and wealth by consistently always finding solutions to coach her clients to double, and even triple their business revenue, as well transform them into being great stewards of their money. We are all in two business, your business to make money and the business of using your money well.

Michelle Humphrey is known as the “Business Miracle Worker" and is a leading authority on business growth and development for conscious business owners. She specializes finding strategies and solutions and has cracked the code on rapid results.

She is the creator of the powerful life changing “More Money, Less Work” program and the “Financial Stress Eliminator Blueprint”. Michelle is a Co-Star in the personal development film “Pass It On” and a #1 best selling author in the series “Wake Up And Live The Life You Love”.

Michelle is the Co-cretor of The Prosperity Accelerator. She is on a mission, along with her husband John, to stop the financial struggle and juggle, and teach a proven system to individuals on how to receive all their monies back on everything they spend each year, without working any harder, changing any spending habits, or giving up any of their favorite things, to ensure their clients rapidly accelerate and achieve their financial dreams.

Michelle loves living in San Diego with her outstanding husband of 19 years John and their amazing 10-year-old son John Robert and two fur babies Oreo Jack and Brownie Bites.
© 2021. Prosperity Accelerator. All Rights Reserved.